Monday, November 16, 2009

Anti-Gay "Christians" Launch Campaign Against Annise Parker

If you follow The Fabulous Blog of Miss Ginger Grant, you know about Houston's openly lesbian mayoral candidate Annise Parker. Parker won with 38% of the vote on election day and faces a December 12th runoff in her quest to become the first openly-gay female mayor of a major U.S. city.

Enter the "Haters For Jeebus" crowd, who fear a "gay takeover" of Houston City Hall. According to Joe.My.God, conservative haters have organized an anti-Parker campaign in order to defeat the "scary lesbian"...
A cluster of socially conservative Houstonians is planning a campaign to discourage voters from choosing City Controller Annise Parker in the December mayoral runoff because she is a lesbian, according to multiple ministers and conservatives involved in the effort. The group is motivated by concerns about a “gay takeover” of City Hall, given that two other candidates in the five remaining City Council races are also openly gay, as well as national interest driven by the possibility that Houston could become the first major U.S. city to elect an openly gay woman.

To help battle these evil haters and support Annise Parker's historic campaign, go to her website HERE.