Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fox Freaks Over Obama Bow

According to DailyKos, Fox "News" went ballistic when President Obama had the audacity to show good manners and BOW to Emperor Akihito of Japan (above).

But, as we all know, conservatives are idiots and should keep their mouths shut about such things - since there is plenty of evidence showing past Republican presidents had manners also...

Here is President Eisenhower actually BOWING TO A FRENCH PERSON - Charles De Gaulle...

I love how De Gaulle is all like, "Hey Ike, take ze picture, it lasts longer".

Further evidence - Richard Nixon actually BOWED TO THE DUDE WHO ORDERED THE ATTACK ON PEARL HARBOR - Japanese Emperor Hirohito...

Maybe Fox news would have preferred the George W. Bush approach ... slipping Saudi royals "the tongue", with a little reach-around butt grabbing for good luck...

Ultimately, I'm sure conservatives prefer the "George H.W. Bush Method" ... simply BARF on the foreign dignitary beside you. No bowing necessary.