Monday, November 16, 2009

White Meat Monday - Lucky Biatch Edition

Rocky Bennett (above left) was boozing it up at a bar in London when he happened upon a tipsy Prince Harry. According to Dlisted, Rocky immediately sprang into action in his quest for some 'royal sugar'...
"I went up to him and told him I would love to buy him a drink - if he gave me a kiss, Harry just burst out laughing, threw his arms around me and kissed me on the left cheek. I'm not going to wash my face for a month now! It was the best moment of my life.
What a lucky Ho!!! And to make matters even better, it turns out Rocky also saw His Royal Hotness a little while later...
"Afterwards we saw him in the McDonald's across the road. Harry ordered a quarterpounder meal with a coke - I think he wanted to sober up."
OMG, Prince Harry must be the coolest blue blood EVER ... he kisses gay guys and then heads across the street for a drunken Mickey D's feast. Sounds like the perfect man to me!