Monday, June 8, 2009

New Dust Bunny Bloggers

I would like to welcome two Dust Bunnies into the world of blogging ...

First of all, please check out Kevin-Michael's My Life As It Is. Kevin-Michael (above) has done some really touching posts lately regarding the loss of his mother - as well as writing about the other things happening in his life. I appreciate Dust Bunny K-M immensely, because he is one of my (few) Twatter followers (you too can follow me on Twatter HERE).

Dust Bunny Behrmark (above) has also recently started blogging - please check out Behr Blather when you have a moment. In addition to blogging about his day-to-day life, Behrmark throws in a hairy hottie pic every now and again!...

Please check them out.