Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Drunken Dust Bunny Pictures!

When my computer crashed, I thought I had lost all the pictures from DDBW. This was because I always delete pictures from my camera once I download them onto my computer. The thought of losing these pics really bummed me out - especially since I can't remember much of the weekend anyway.

But my official DDBW photographer, Howard, suggested the pictures might still be on my camera ... and guess what? They WERE. So now I plan on boring you bitches every now and again with pictures from the fabulous Drunken Dust Bunny Weekend. I bet you can't wait.

The picture above is (from left) Boy Ginger, Kailyn, Me, TrannyBeth, Mistress Maddie (with back turned, in the "Evil" T-Shirt), and The Boy Toy. It looks as if Maddie and Boy Tour are trying to rob the Bank of America, doesn't it?

As you can see, I am talking on the phone - and at that particular moment we were speaking to our "Auntie Flame" - Grand Duchess of the Dust Bunnies - Joy. I put her on speakerphone while we walked down 42nd Street to the subway on Saturday night - and we had a nice little chat. Unfortunately Joy couldn't make it to DDBW, so we brought a little bit of DDBW to her.

At the cocktail party held the night before, I also drank a toast to my darling Auntie Flame. I know this because I wrote her name on my cup as I chugged. And Howard took a picture of it ...

If not for the picture, I wouldn't have remembered this important moment of the evening!

More pics to come ... including the BLOCKBUSTER post entitled "The Many Faces of Kailyn"...
