Monday, June 1, 2009

Another Hero Affected By DADT

Don't Ask, Don't Tell is just plain WRONG. The only thing DADT does is end the careers of badly-needed, hard-working military personnel - for no other reason than they happen to be gay or lesbian.

Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach played by the rules. He DID NOT tell - and kept his mouth shut about being gay. And he did so while collecting medal after medal in his exemplary 18-year Air Force career. But SOMEONE ELSE told his superiors that he was gay - and therefore LTC Ferhrenbach is being forced out of a job he loves, and is extremely good at.

Furthermore, it is estimated that the United States Air Force invested about $25 million dollars into his training and career - an investment that gets flushed down the toilet because of this hero's sexuality. That is insanity.

Thanks to Kanani for keeping me in the loop about LTC Ferhenbach. See her initial blog post HERE and find out what you can do to assist LTC Ferhenbach HERE.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell must end ... now.