Thursday, May 7, 2009

Make Me A Supermodel - "It Was, Like, So Time for, Like, Amanda to Go"

I know I said I'm not recapping MMASM anymore, but I had to say a few words about the parts of the show I saw last night.

First of all, it was obvious that this was the show where Amanda was getting eliminated. It was simply time for her to go home. But I hate it when Bravo has to drag out a full hour to get to an elimination we already know is going to happen. They should have sent Colin AND Amanda home last week - so we didn't have to waste a full episode.

Speaking of Amanda ... did she say she walks around naked in front of her infant son because she doesn't want him to be gay?!? Seriously?!? Let's break that down: you want your son to LIKE VAGINA when he grows up - so you are showing him YOURS??? ATTENTION CHILD SERVICES!!!

Maybe it's just me, but that creeps me out. And heaven forbid a gay mom or dad did something similar. Although Amanda might be right - Mama Bunny CERTAINLY didn't parade around naked in front of me, and I'm gay as Sunday Brunch on Gay Pride Day. Then again, my brother is straight. Whatever - Amanda's son may not end up gay, but he will definitely need therapy.

Anywhore, I felt bad for poor Branden ... HIS BALLS BLED IN THE NAME OF FASHION! - and he misses his Mommy. Branden is so tall and has such a deep voice that I forget he's only 18 years old. BTW, he is definitely straight ... many of us Gays master the art of shaving the kibbles and bits after we get our fifth pubic hair.

Finally, considering this was "The Naked Episode", I didn't think it was very sexy. Yes, Jonathan's ass looks great - but ho-hum. And did ya'll think it was weird that Tyson was all up in the guy's stuff talking about "you look great" and "good job" - while the photographer was telling them to relax their butt cheeks? I own DVDs that start out like that, but they certainly don't end with a stupid blond woman leaving a catwalk ...

Check out Tom & Lorenzo's take (complete with sexy pics) HERE.