Sunday, May 3, 2009

Jack Mackenroth's Birthday Party

I mentioned on Friday that I was going to a swanky party, and I did - the 40th birthday party of Project Runway designer Jack Mackenroth! In addition to being a guest, I covered the event for our friends at Blogging Project Runway, so I was in full "reporter mode". And by "reporter mode" I mean "drunk and bothersome", like a real reporter.

When I arrived, the birthday boy himself was outside the Star Room - the night club below the Hotel Chelsea - greeting his guests. Here we are outside the club before heading into the festivities...

And here we are inside, at the bar...

Inside, the music was pumping, the vodka was free, and the people were pretty. Season Four finalist Jillian Lewis, who is really sweet, was there...

And so was sexy photographer and RuPaul's Drag Race guest judge Mike Ruiz...

There is an embarrassing story behind the picture above. When I saw Mike and Jack talking, I went over and asked if I could take their picture. Jack introduced me to Mike, and they posed and waited for me to snap the pic and ... nothing. No flash, no click, no nothing from my camera. So I tried again, and NOTHING. So, here I am in front of a PROFESSIONAL FASHION PHOTOGRAPHER, and I can't get my little Kodak to work. Mike finally grabbed it out of my hands, did something to it, and it finally worked. I am SUCH a loser...

Anywhore, after that mildly embarrassing incident, I went back to my good friend and trusted companion Shanta - who accompanied me to the party. Shanta was supposed to act as my assistant - making sure I had my camera, notebook, etc. whenever I needed it. Unfortunately Shanta, who in real life works as an ASSISTANT at a financial firm, isn't very effective after a chocolate martini. Every time I asked her for something (Where is my notebook? Is that someone famous over there? Where is the bathroom?), Shanta would shrug her shoulders and respond with tipsy but cheerful "I don't know"...

Ok, I lied, she did know where the bathrooms were. I LOVE Shanta - she's funny, gorgeous, charming, and the perfect party date ... but I wouldn't hire her as my real assistant. Then again, the job doesn't exactly pay much (the salary is around ZERO dollars an hour, actually) so I guess I don't blame her.

Much to our dismay, Christian Siriano canceled via text message to Jack just minutes before the party ... saying he had a "paying gig" he couldn't get out of. Of course Jack and I had a chuckle speculating what kind of "paying gig" one gets at 9:00 pm on a Friday night. I suggested Christian probably found this "job" via Craigslist, and not in the Help Wanted section...if you smell what I'm stepping in.

Anywhoo, it was a really fun night honoring the sweetest guy in fashion - Jack Mackenroth. Happy Birthday, handsome! Check out Jack's website (including his blog) HERE.

Thanks again to Blogging Project Runway and to the lovely and talented (?) Shanta.