Friday, February 27, 2009

Ongina Delivers

RuPaul's Drag Racer Ongina delivered a $25,000 check from M.A.C. Cosmetics to the Harvey Milk High School on Wednesday - according to the New York Times.

The New York City school was established for GLBT children who have had trouble in traditional schools due to sexuality/gender issues. The Hetrick-Martin Institute, which provides many services for the school, has recently suffered cutbacks in funding, and the M.A.C. donation was intended to help fill the budget gap.

The New York Times article had this to say about Ongina:

Ryan Ong Palao, who revealed that he was H.I.V. positive on television, is a contestant in the RuPaul Drag Race. He started suffering harassment when he first became more flamboyant after coming out in high school in a small town in Washington State. He would have appreciated a “school that provided me as much of an education as a comfort zone.” His drag identity is Ongina, a play off his middle name.

At least some of the students could relate to being a drag queen. Among the questions they peppered him with: what were his favorite makeup products (C-Thru is his favorite lip gloss) and how long it takes to get into drag (two hours).

I LOVE it that the kids wanted to know about lip gloss and drag - and those questions were from the BOYS!