Saturday, February 21, 2009

Gone With The Wind

One of my favorite movies - Gone With the Wind - is on Turner Classic Movies right now. Scarlett just told that wussy Ashley Wilkes that she loved him at Twelve Oaks plantation. Of course Ashley whined about loving Melanie and then scurried off to fight the war.

When I was a young gayling, The Wizard of Oz was my favorite movie. I couldn't wait until it's annual showing on CBS - and I would literally count down the days. I SWEAR, it was in my gay little DNA to be obsessed with a movie starring Judy Garland.

But as I got older, I began looking forward to the annual two-night showing of Gone with the Wind. Remember, all you young little beeyotches, this was before HBO and TCM - we had to wait a whole year to watch our favorite movies. And we walked uphill to school ... BOTH WAYS!

What movies did you like growing up?...