Monday, June 28, 2010

There's No Place Like Home ... There's No Place Like Home

Well THAT certainly wasn't fun...

Hello my darling DustBunnies!!!  I am friggin' HOME after 8 days in a Queens hospital battling pneumonia in both lungs.  There will be lots and lots more information to share and stories to tell, but that will have to wait for a little while longer.  Right now I have kitties to pet, Chinese takeout to order, and "1000+" blog posts to read on my Google Reader.

Besides, after 8 days of "truck stop whore baths" using paper towels/hand soap in the hospital bathroom, I need to get my stinky butt into the shower for a good long time.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for all the well wishes, blog comments, cards, texts, and phone calls.  And a special shout-out to Kayce for helping me communicate with everybody.  You all bring joy to my heart every day - and I truly mean that.

FYI:  for those of you who have my telephone number, I will not be picking up the phone tonight.  It's not that I don't love you like my luggage, but this Biatch needs to relax and enjoy the fact that no one is going to wake me up tonight and poke me with another needle.
