Thursday, June 3, 2010

I Know I Can't Marry a MAN in New York ...

... but is it legal to marry a major appliance?  If so, I will be proposing to my new Frigidaire 6000 BTU Air Conditioner (above) this Saturday night after a romantic dinner and some heavy petting.

My Frigidaire is perfect.  First of all, let's break down the name, shall we?  We have "frigid", and we have "aire". In other words, this is a device to make "frigid" the "air" around my hot and sweaty body.  This is also known as Doing The Lord's Work.

And, secondly, Fridgy's lowest temperature setting is sixty degrees!!  Yes, 6-0 - or as I like to call it, "only 28 degrees away from turning water into ice cubes".

Because of my darling Fridgy, I had to sleep in a hooded sweatshirt last night.  And all was right with the world...