Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Happy Birthday to Doogie Howser, M.D.

Neil Patrick Harris turns 37 today.  Happy Birthday!!

I once walked into one of the redneckiest redneck bars in my hometown to buy beer.  When I sashayed up to the bartender, the drunk hillbillies/bikers/inbreds noticed me (I had clean fingernails and hair - a dead giveaway in that place) and they started calling me "Doogie Howser".  "Look ya'll, Doogie Howser is buying beer!".  "Doogie, does your mommy know you're out this late?!?".  They thought they were SOOOOOOOOOOO high-friggin-larious, but I was just happy to get out of there alive ... with my beer.

Ever since then I've felt a little bond with NPH.  Happy Birthday, Doogie - and FYI: you might want to stop by and visit your fans at the 720 Cafe in Carlisle, PA (below).  I bet they're still sitting on the same bar stools as they were back in 1988.