Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Back To Baby Carrots...

I'm back from Thanksgiving, and I'm happy to report I didn't completely lose control of my diet while in Pennsylvania. I did NOT count my points while there, but I DID buy a bunch of fruit and other Weight Watcher's-friendly foods upon my arrival. So instead eating stuffing and mashed potatoes 100% of the time, I only did it 50% of the time. I consider this a triumph.

Weight-wise, I have gained 4 pounds since my lowest point 1 1/2 weeks ago. Again, a TRIUMPH. I am, as we speak, eating baby carrots and am back to counting points.

This next month will be difficult - it is my busiest time of the year, which makes it difficult to stay on plan. But I have promised to do my best. Wish me luck.