Thursday, December 4, 2008


Conservapedia is the Right Wing's answer to Wikipedia - where God-fearing, true Ammurikans can get the 'TRUTH', without having to rely on the "liberal media". If it wasn't so (unintentionally) hysterical, it would really piss me off. Their motto: The Truth Shall Set You Free. Barf.

For starters, here is the first paragraph on their Barack Obama entry (emphasis mine):

Barack Hussein Obama II (allegedly born in Honolulu, August 4, 1961) served as a first-term Democratic Senator from Illinois (2004-2008) and then, along with his running mate Senator Joseph Biden, won the presidential election after twenty-three months of campaigning, raising and spending an unprecedented $650 million, most of which came from anonymous donors. An apparent Muslim, Obama could use the Koran when he is sworn into office.
WOW- tell me more!!! Read the entire masterpiece of fuckery HERE.