Friday, July 18, 2008

Yaz In Concert

I got to see one of my favorite musical acts EVAH last night in concert – Yaz. They were phenomenal.

Vince Clarke, one half of the band, started Yaz after founding (and leaving) Depeche Mode in the early 80’s. He hooked up with soulful vocalist Alison Moyet and they cut only two Yaz albums before breaking up. Clarke went on to form Erasure, and Moyet went solo. This was the first time they have performed together in 25 years.

I had some pre-show drama, and almost didn’t go. I was having “fat-girl meltdown syndrome” and hating what I was going to wear, and hating how fat I am, and hating the fact that I was going by myself. In addition, there are some VERY bad things going on with a close personal friend, which could end up affecting me negatively. Unfortunately I am not at liberty to blog more about it. But needless to say, I was NOT in a good frame of mind.

Since it was a concert – and not simply a trip to the local bar – I didn’t want to wear my usual shorts and a T-shirt. And I LIVE in shorts in the summertime – I even wear shorts at work. So wearing black jeans in 90-degree heat was not my idea of a good time. But I did anyway, with black shoes and a black patterned T-Shirt that I had just bought. Very 80’s.

I got over my drama and walked over to the venue – which is in my neighborhood. And what do I see? Every Queen in the city wearing shorts and a t-shirt! Bitches. Luckily it was cool inside the club/concert venue.

When Alison and Vince finally came onstage, I have to admit – I shed a few tears. Alison Moyet’s voice is just as amazing today as it was 25 years ago. And Vince Clarke, always the “synth” part of this Synth-Pop band, stood at a LAPTOP and played his digital music silently. Ok, he did do a little digitally-altered background singing – but for the most part he was in his usual mysterious “Captain Computer” role.

I have to say, I am SO glad I went. The REALLY gay crowd was enthusiastic and sung along to every song. And I wasn’t the fattest queen there, that’s for sure.

But those other big bitches were wearing shorts...Fuckers.

If you’re interested, read Joe.My.God’s post about the Wednesday night show. It has great background and commentary, as well as a quick video.