Saturday, July 5, 2008

This Time They've Gone TOO FAR!

The "American Family Association" is one of those organizations with a benevolent name and a hate-filled agenda. In the AFA's case - it's all about hating on the gays. I am used to hearing about such assholes on a regular basis, and have learned to tune out their hate, much as I've learned to tune out the sound of traffic here in Manhattan.

But I cannot stand idly by and let the AFA's latest atrocity go unmentioned. THEY HAVE GONE TOO FAR THIS TIME. They have called for a boycott of my beloved McDonald's. Those dirty bitches.

In my eyes, McDonald's does "the Lord's work" by providing me with comforting Big Macs (extra cheese - no pickle), Chicken McNuggets, and Sausage Biscuits with Cheese. For brief periods of time, McDonald's gave me the McRib, Arctic Orange Shakes, and the Ranchero burger (a quarter-pounder with taco sauce and a big tortilla chip inside - seriously). In my eyes, McDonald's ranks right up there with the Red Cross. When the chips are down, where do I go when I need to feel better? McDonald's. Besides, Arby's doesn't have a Manhattan location anymore.

And McDonald's loves the gays. They were THIS gay boy's employer all throughout my high school and college years (you should have seen this bitch working the drive-thru!). And they recently donated money to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, as well as placed an openly gay McDonald's executive on the Chamber's board of directors.

This made the right-wing idiot wingnuts go CRAZY! HEAVEN FORBID a multi-national corporation donates money to a legitimate organization, and shows some compassion toward gay people (and rakes in some gay dollars in return). So the AFA has called for a boycott of McDonald's (see story here).

I don't know about you, but this has me so upset...I better get to Mickey D's RIGHT AWAY.