Wednesday, July 2, 2008

All I Could Bare by Craig Seymour

One of the great things about blogging is every once in a while you get contacted by a cute guy – who then sends you a cute book. Okay, it’s happened exactly once, but I’m happy it did.

Last week I mentioned “Go-Go Professor” Craig Seymour (see post here). Seymour was the gentleman who wrote his master’s thesis on go-go dancing – and did “research” by dancing himself.

After I posted about him last week, he sent me a very nice email – and he informed me that he has written a book about his experiences. It is called All I Could Bare – My Life In the Strip Clubs Of Gay Washington, D.C.

I just received the book yesterday, so I’ve only had a chance to peruse it. But what I have read is FANTASTIC. Besides, how can you NOT love a book when the first sentence is “Fuck it.”?

Here is an example of Seymour’s descriptive and entertaining prose, from the very first page:

I couldn’t see a thing, not really. It took what seemed like a full minute for my eyes to adjust to the darkness of the brick room painted black. I started to make out the outlines of figures seated in the rows of seats in front of the stage and standing along the back wall. The music continued to thump, louder now that I was inside, and the air smelled of Clorox and crotch. Beads of chilly sweat dripped from my armpits. My heartbeat quickened. Again those word, “Fuck it”.

CLICK HERE to order All I Could Bare by Craig Seymour.

It is a damn shame this book wasn’t set in NYC. If so, I'm SURE I would have been acquainted with Craig – and he would be enjoying summers at his beach house, paid for by yours truly – one dollar at a time. I was VERY generous back in my strip club days.

Anywhoo, I am going to read Craig’s book and give you a proper review when I’m done. I’ve never done a book review on DavidDust before (mainly because I don’t read) – so I’m excited. And now that I have something to read, I may be more willing to get on the damn Stairmaster at the gym.

Craig, thank you very much – and by the way:

You had me at “Fuck it”… XOXOXOXO

Order All I Could Bare now - and check out Craig's excellent blog here.