Friday, July 11, 2008

Emmy Update:

First of all, thanks to all my Dust Bunnies for your concern about my Kitty. I really appreciate it

So I took Emmy to the Vet this morning, and she isn’t doing too well. In addition to the sinus infection, she has lost a lot of weight – and may have liver complications. The Vet wanted to admit her overnight, but I honestly didn’t have enough money. So instead, I have to give her a liquid antibiotic, liver pills, and I have to literally force-feed her semi-solid food with a syringe. The whole trip was NOT a pleasant experience (for Emmy or myself) – and her continued treatment will continue to be hard on both of us. I just DO NOT deal with this kind of thing well, and I’m a little bit freaked.

And to make matters worse, today’s Vet visit pretty much wiped out my money for my upcoming trip to New Orleans. Unfortunately I’ve always been a complete asshole when it’s come to money and credit cards. After maxing out a jillion cards in college and moving to NYC, I maxed out another round of cards a few years ago. Hell, I’ve never even paid my student loans. As a result, I have no credit – and not even a bank account (a creditor seized that a year ago). So I had to use my vacation money today, and it made me sad. And I feel HORRIBLE that it made me sad – after all, I love Emmy more than almost anything.

I know it was my irresponsibility that caused my financial problems, and my Kitty is way more important than a stupid vacation, but I’m feeling pretty damn miserable and sorry for myself right now. I just hope Emmy is feeling better…