Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Opposite of Pride = HATE

Neal Anthony of McMinnville, Tennessee has been a target of anti-gay attacks on his home for the past 13 months. The attacks continued recently (story from Towleroad):

"Vandals sprayed and splattered hate-filled words on his property Friday morning. Anthony said it's because of his sexuality. 'I'm not out there in my yard running naked, or being with my partner doing all these sex acts or anything like that,' said Anthony. Virtually every square foot of the property is within camera range, but this spray paint assault went undetected. The vandals cut the lines to Anthony's cameras, security lights, landscape lights and even severed power to the main house and his phone line. Anthony said this is the ninth assault on his property and he fears the attack might escalate from personal possessions to people. The suspected vandals also spray painted "Dorothy's in Hell' referring to Neal's mother, who passed away in December."

This is some scary shit. He lives out in the middle of nowhere, and someone comes and cuts the power to his property as well as his phone line. He could have been killed and no one would have known. This kind of thing makes ME want to hurt people!...

I realize this is not just a Tennessee thing, or even a southern thing – it’s an IGNORANT ASSHOLE REDNECK COUSIN-FUCKING DIRT-EATING MORON THING. This same thing could have just as easily happened where I grew up (in Central PA) or almost anywhere in rural America. Disgusting.

And the Republicans think we don’t need laws to help prevent gay-bashing and other hate crimes. Furthermore, they don’t even think that teaching TOLERANCE toward gay people is acceptable. So very Christian of them. Again, disgusting.