Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Election Coverage

As a huge political junkie/nerd, I stayed up late last night watching the coverage of the North Carolina and Indiana primaries. I even forgot about American Idol – although I heard Jason Castro stunk up the joint.

Here are a few thoughts:

1. Chris “Tweety” Matthews is STILL the most annoying person on Earth.

2. Keith Olbermann STILL rocks.

3. I am SO glad the mainstream media finally “gets it” – Hillary can’t win. I was so happy to see CNN and MSNBC not simply repeating the Clinton campaign’s ever-changing talking points. They were actually discussing her “exit strategy”. Tim Russert said “we now know who the Democratic nominee will be”. WOW!

4. At one point I switched over to Faux, er, FOX “News” (I needed a good laugh). And what were they discussing? Rush Limbaugh’s “Operation Chaos” – which they described as hugely successful. Apparently that fat-ass drug addict Limbaugh instructed Indiana Republicans to vote for Hillary in Indiana’s open primary – thus creating “chaos” in the Democratic party. Brit Hume and some blond Skank were laughing it up on-air about just how crafty that Rush Limbaugh is. Gross. I can’t wait to watch Fox on Election Night in November when Republicans will have NOTHING to laugh about.

5. Could it be that the Clinton and Obama campaigns are starting to do a little “mating dance”? They both mentioned unity and fighting John McCain in their speeches last night. And Hillary mentioned that she would work to elect the eventual nominee – something she has NEVER said before.

6. As much as he annoys the shit outta me – I have to give Chris Matthews some credit. While discussing Limbaugh’s “Operation Chaos” with some conservative commentator, Tweety absolutely DENOUNCED anyone who would use their vote to mess up the democratic process. As he said, too many people have fought (on and off the battlefield) and indeed died for the blessed privilege of voting. Go Tweety!

7. Chuck Todd, the “numbers” guy from MSNBC, is gay – isn’t he? He has a VERY gay goatee. I wish my goatee looked more like his – gay or otherwise.

I just hope we, as Democrats, don't screw this up. Are you listening - MADAM Vice President?!?