Monday, May 19, 2008

Regarding Step It Up and Dance, and Blogging...

I wanted to let you all know that I will no longer be recapping Step It Up and Dance. Let me explain why:

My “real” job is suffering due to my constant blogging. I have not been spending as much time as I should on my day job – let alone my part-time night job. I have been doing sloppy and half-assed work lately, and putting my jobs aside to blog. My day job has to be my number one priority – without it I am screwed. One of the ways I can shave off some blogging time is by eliminating SIUaD recapping.

My “personal life” (such as it is) is suffering. I am at my heaviest weight EVER – and I haven’t been to the gym in months. It is not healthy for me to be 40 years old and “morbidly obese” – and it’s definitely NOT cute. In addition, my 15-year-old cat is sick (she was rushed to the vet last night) and needs my attention.

Lastly, the time it takes for me to do a proper recap just isn’t justified on this show. My Top Chef recaps take me anywhere from 5-8 hours total – that’s viewing, note-taking, and writing. Let’s face it, Step It Up and Dance is a HORRIBLE show – and isn’t worth 8 hours of my time. Furthermore, recapping Top Chef is still fun and entertaining for me – SIUaD has become a burden. I’m not going to force myself to do something I don’t want to do – blogging is supposed to be fun for me. And the SIUaD recaps have become NOT fun.

What I COULD do is put up a Step It Up and Dance discussion post on Friday mornings, and let YOU discuss the show in the comments. I LOVE it when you all talk to each other - and I always beam with pride that my Dust Bunnies are so smart and funny. I'll give it a shot on Friday and see what happens.

I guess I just have to improve my time management skills. I LOVE blogging, I LOVE my blog, and I REALLY LOVE my Dust Bunnies – that’s not going to change. What may change is having fewer daily posts, and possibly not answering every single comment and email I receive. But I promise to continue putting out an entertaining blog – and doing what I can to improve David Dust without screwing up the rest of my life.

Thanks for listening...

