Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Dust Bunny Moms, to my wonderful Stepmother, and of course, to the Big Kahuna herself -my darling Mama Bunny!!! I hope you all have a lovely day.

Our dear Beth (Happy Mother's Day - you big Tranny!) did a post on her blog recently about motherly advice. This got me thinking about advice MY mother has given me - and she gave me a TON. Unfortunately, I didn’t listen to most of it.

Three simple things my mother told me (that I DID listen to) have really helped me throughout my life. They are:

Learn how to type in High School - it is a skill you will use for the rest of your life. This was before computers were common, so it was NOT obvious advice to a boy in 1980. Yes bitches, that's right, I learned how to type on an IBM Selectric Typewriter - OLD SCHOOL!! As a result, I am quickly and efficiently typing these words right now using proper technique - NOT “hunting and pecking”. Thanks Mom!

Learn Latin - it will help you more than you realize. And no, Mom is not Catholic - just intelligent. I have my excellent “verbal” SAT score and above-average language skills as a result of this advice. Thanks Mom!

Always buy a winter coat that covers your butt. TO THIS DAY I refuse to purchase a heavy coat that does not cover the booty. And my butt is ALWAYS warm. Thanks Mom!

I love you Mom. The picture of the pink roses is for you - I hope you got the real ones I sent!