Friday, September 17, 2010

Last Night On Project Runway - Jackie OH HELL NO!

I didn't watch Project Runway too closely last night - I got distracted by Happy Hour ($3 Bud Lights!) and the fierce storm which blew through NYC. Furthermore, I left the sliding glass door to my balcony wide open when I left for work in the morning - so I returned home to a soggy carpet, a modem which required rebooting, and a need for post-Happy Hour/Tornado Chinese food.

Some thoughts on what I DID see ...

  • I'm CONCERNED about Gretchen.  I'm CONCERNED about Gretchen because she is always so CONCERNED about the other designers and their garments.  But my CONCERN turned to jubilation when I saw the stank look on Gretchen's face after Heidi announced she was safe.  Dear Gretchen: Safe = A Good Thing.  Don't be so damn CONCERNED.
  • Dear Andy: No ... Just NO...
Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em!
  • Ivy is gross.
  • I have a feeling people will say the judges were mean this week. But let's face it - the designers were supposed to be inspired by one of the most recognizable fashion icons of the last 100 years, and half of them were CLUELESS.  Most two-bit drag queens could throw together a convincing Jackie O inspired look in 20 minutes - why did this crew have so much trouble?
  • Speaking of the bitchy judges, I think Michael Kor(ange)s was actually angry about how bad this Jackie O "fashion" was.  Let's face it, for many gay men of a certain age, Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis WAS fashion.  Plus, Michael made a valid point when he said that she managed to look amazing for 40 years.  It doesn't get much more inspirational than that.

  • I have a feeling that Heidi is a germaphobe.  Did you ever notice that when Heidi hates a garment she describes it as "dirty"? I bet she makes Seal bathe in Purell before sexytimes.
  • Mondo's eye makeup was FIERCE last night.  Not on his model - but on himself.

What did I miss??  Feel free to (over)share in the Comments.
