Thursday, September 23, 2010

Welcome New DustBunnies!!

I don't know WHAT is up this week, but this old blog has seen an influx of hits and visitors which is unprecedented. As you can see by the graph above, we had been hovering around 5,000 pageviews a day - and this week it went up to over 7,000. Visitor number have also increased by about 1,000 per day. That's a lot of new DustBunnies!

Again, I'm not really sure why this is - but I'm certainly not complaining. Usually when there is a spike in traffic it is easily explainable - like the time we got linked by the Huffington Post. But this new traffic isn't coming from any one place, but from all over.

Anywhore, I just like to say "Hello" to these newbies - and invite them to become members of the great BunnyNation. All you have to do is check in every once in awhile and enjoy yourself. And here's what you can expect:

  • Funny, interesting and/or informative shizz posted seven days a week (usually during the day). Who knows, I might even start recapping reality shows again.
  • Hot Menz - also posted seven days a week (usually in the evenings).
  • A great community of straight, gay, young, not-so-young, cheerful and/or not-so cheerful people. Who knows, you may even make a friend or two. I know I certainly have.
  • Hysterical, supportive and/or insightful commentary from the fabulous DustBunny community mentioned above.
  • And, finally, one warning ... Every once in awhile you'll have to put up with my moans and groans about certain things: - namely, my (abundance of) weight, my (non-abundance of) money and ConservaWingNutIdioTards. Consider yourself forewarned.
So sit back, relax, and stay a while ... because that's what good DustBunnies do.

