Friday, March 12, 2010

On Hold

Do you ever get the feeling that someone has pushed the "Hold" button on your life - making sure you never move forward, but also never backwards?  That is the way I've been feeling lately.

Actually, "On Hold" wouldn't be so bad - but it feels like the Hold button will soon be turned off, sending me hurling into the not-so-comforting unknown.  The future isn't looking so bright right now in so many ways - and that really sucks.

Waking up in the morning is so much easier when you have something to look forward to.  And right now the best I can hope for is to stay On Hold for as long as possible.

And NO - I'm not talking about anything directly health-related (don't have a heart attack Mom) - I'm just talking about life in general.  Or LACK of a life, in general...