Saturday, February 20, 2010

Torvill & Dean - 1984 Olympics

Full disclosure: I know NOTHING about Ice Dancing.  But I had the Olympics on last night as I fiddled around on my laptop - and I heard the announcers mention "Torvill and Dean".  Of course I had heard of Torvill and Dean, and I had the general knowledge that they were exceptional Ice Dancers, but I didn't know the full story.  So I headed over to The Google for the 4-1-1.

According to Wikipedia:
Torvill and Dean (Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean) are British ice dancers and former British-, European-, Olympic- and World champions. At the 1984 Winter Olympics the pair became the highest scoring figure skaters of all time, receiving twelve perfect 6.0s, including artistic impression scores of 6.0 from every judge.

In the Winter of 1984 I was a junior in high school and I was not paying any attention to the Olympics.  Especially since Mama Bunny - my Arch-Enemy at the time - loved the Olympics.  I was not going to show any interest in something Mom liked - that would be like fraternizing with the enemy.  Nothing serious, we just had the usual Mother-Daughter issues, dontcha know.

So I'm not sure I've ever seen Torvill and Dean's legendary "Bolero" performance.  But thanks to YouTube, I was able to find it - and it is absolutely stunning...

Wow.  Over at, under the word "Beautiful", they should just post this YouTube clip.

And I absolutely loved how the announcers didn't speak A WORD until the end.