Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday Weigh-In

I want to thank all of you for the support you have shown me since I joined Weight Watchers last week. Because this will be an ongoing battle for me, I have decided to do a "Friday Weigh-In" post every week to tell you about my progress. Thanks to Joy for the great idea.

I must say, I was overwhelmed by the positive response from all of you. In fact, long-time Dust Bunny Marker joined Weight Watchers after reading my post - and so did Renee. Renee even coined the term DBAF - "Dust Bunnies Against Flab" - which I think is hilarious.

But they aren't the only DBAF's out there. Joy is watching her diet and increasing her exercise because of diabetic and other health concerns. Jennie (like me) is constantly struggling to eat right - but sometimes hides pizza anyway (PLEASE read her hilarious post HERE ). I have heard from many others who struggle to do the right thing when it comes to diet and exercise. So the Friday Weigh-In is also an opportunity for all of us to check in and tell each other how we are doing in the fight against flab. Us Flabby Bunnies need to stick together.

For our first Friday Weigh-In, I want to provide us with some inspiration. So let me introduce to you my friend (and Dust Bunny) Zombie Mom. Zombie is a former big girl who put aside her self-doubt and poor body image and lost a ton of weight. She did it with Weight Watchers, exercise, determination, and a wonderful spirit. She is now an avid runner (miles and miles each week) and recently completed her first half marathon - congratulations!. Zombie has sent me emails with Weight Watchers tips and general words of encouragement, and for that I am grateful. And she does all of this in spite of the fact that she is busy as hell at work and is raising two of the most perfect little girls you have ever seen. Zombie Mom inspires me every day - and should inspire you also. Read her blog - Purses and Poop - HERE .

As far as MY first week on Weight Watchers goes - I am happy to report that I've lost 8 pounds! I hit a rough patch on Tuesday because of the stress from my event at work, and Wednesday I was just being a hog. But yesterday I got back on track - especially since I was going to do this post today and I didn't want to look like an idiot. See, this "Friday Weigh-In" thing is working already!!

How did YOU do this week?...