Friday, October 31, 2008

Friday Weigh-In

It was exactly two weeks ago that I joined Weight Watchers (AKA "The Cult"). At the time, I told you all that I would check in every Friday and let you know how I was doing - and you all could check in as well. Today is my second "Friday Weigh-In".

The Cult also makes you weigh-in once a week - either at a meeting or online. I am an online member, and I picked Mondays to be my official weigh-in day.

These two different weigh-in days have produced an unexpected benefit. It forces me to really watch myself over the weekend, the time that I'm most likely to cheat. And so far it is working.

I was not as good this past week as I was during week one. I had a "special occasion" on Saturday and pigged out at a Barbecue restaurant (biscuits and gravy!!). I also drank this week - which used to be a 3-4 times/week occurrence, but is now down to about 3 times/month. I also can't seem to get into an exercise routine. The only form of exercise I enjoy is walking, but I need to do something a little more intense to help get my metabolism moving.

So, needless to say, I didn't expect much this week. But this morning I was pleasantly surprised - I lost 6 pounds! That is 14 pounds in two weeks!!! I am beyond thrilled, and I'm starting to think The Cult may have a lifetime member.

So - how did YOU do this week?...