Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Results Are In

Great job to Miss A for consistently being at the head of the DustBunny Good Days Initiative class! Also, thanks to DustBunny Kanani for sending me her “Things I’m thankful for” list. I encourage her to re-post it publically in the comments section if she wants – it was wonderful. 

I guess the big news this week from me is that I DIDN’T COMPLETELY SCREW UP! Until Sunday, that is. 

By the end of last week I was all ready to post some personal good news: As of Sunday morning I had lost 10 lbs since starting The DustBunny Good Days Initiative and counting calories! And then I headed to the Chinese buffet with my BFF for his birfday. And that led to pizza on Sunday night, which led to Sausage/Egg/Cheese on a buttered bagel on Monday morning, which led to … You get the picture. And in the short span of 2 ½ days, 7 of those pounds came back. 

But today is a new day, although I have some extreme challenges ahead… 

Beginning Friday, I have 7 (SEVEN!) dental appointments in 18 days – four scaling/deep cleaning appointments and 3 extraction appointments. If all goes as planned, I will be having 6 (SIX!) teeth pulled and my entire mouth scraped during this time. Oy

Also on Friday: Maddie will be visiting for the weekend. We plan on a neighborhood dinner on Friday night (along with my neighbor, Designing Wally), a trip to the Metropolitan Museum on Saturday am to catch the Alexander McQueen exhibit before it closes, and – of course – the obligatory trip to "The Urges" to support the struggling artists who dance on the bar. Maddie, I've been told, plans on “making it rain” 

It’s going to be hard to stay on track, health-wise. Mouth pain and hangovers require soft, no-chew carbs (hello mashed potatoes with butter and gravy!). However, I’ve now had 2 appointments with the Psychologist – and she’s proven to be knowledgeable, friendly, compassionate and helpful. She has prescribed me a couple of different things that are geared toward depression and anxiety – and she claims there are drugs out their which can help with “impulse control” (OMG, sign me up!). But those will have to wait until we get a handle on my depression/anxiety as well as some other issues. 

In summary, over the next 3 weeks I’ll be a busy, depressed and anxious Fattie with houseguests, no self-control, an extremely sore mouth and fewer teeth. 

Sounds sexxxxaaaaaaayyyyyy.
