Thursday, July 21, 2011

Motivators: Friendship, Jealousy and Vanity

Early 90's Pool Party at Budge's house. I'm the fabulous bitch in the turban - don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful. Budge's identity will not be revealed, in order to protect the convicted innocent.

In the past when I’ve lost weight, it's usually been for a specific purpose (a guy, an upcoming trip, etc). This time I’m doing it for many different reasons (mostly for my health) – but it never hurts to have a little extra motivation.

One day last week I got a call from my dear friend “Budge”, who happens to be serving time in a federal prison camp for embezzlement. Budge has called periodically over the past 3 years while he’s been “away”, and it’s always nice to hear from him. And it was during this phone call when I got a whole bunch of motivation to lose weight…

A few minutes into our conversation, Budge dropped a bombshell – he has lost 65 pounds!! After being locked up (and the same weight as me) for 3 years, Budge finally decided to start spending time in the gym – especially since he'll be released in lest than a year. And, YES, the fact that Budge has been incarcerated multiple times for White Collar crimes doesn’t faze me in the least - but the fact that he lost so much weight has me in a frenzy.

You see, ever since Budge and I met in 1991 on the dance floor of Stallions bar in Harrisburg, PA – he's usually been just a tad heavier than me. Even when we were both relatively thin 20-somethings, Budge still seemed chunkier (he’s also shorter, which adds to this perception). And I will BE DAMNED if he comes out of prison looking fabulous while I still look like Jabba the (Pizza) Hutt.

Vanity and jealousy can be extremely effective motivators - especially among friends.
