Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Glamorous New York City Life

Today I'm going to confirm something that many of you have suspected all along. I can no longer keep this to myself... YES, my life here in New York City is nothing but glitter and glamour - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The secret is out.

Case in point: The highlight of my weekend has already happened - and it's just before noon on Saturday. Check out this picture, taken in my glamorous kitchen...

That was our old refrigerator - circa 1970-something. Everybody knows antiques are glamorous. Notice those wooden accents? GLAMOUR. Light "goldenrod" color? GLAMOUR. A metal-lined, "frost-free" (most of the time) freezer? ÜBER-GLAMOUR.

But today our extremely considerate landlord sent over a tasteful and appropriate little gift ...

Again, is there anything more glamorous than gift-giving? I think not. Ask Emily Post if you don't believe me.

What kind of glamorous things are YOU up to this weekend?? And please don't feel bad if your weekend isn't as glamorous and fabulous as mine - few people's are.

Gotta run! Time to put on my glamorous (plastic) gloves and go scrub my glamorous toilet. Or should I say "toilettes"?
