Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ya Gotta Have Friends...

In the last few days some prominent people and organizations have "come out" in favor of equality for the GLBT community.

Surprisingly, two of these people are from the NFL - and they're both straight. I posted before about Baltimore Raven Brendon Ayanbadejo's words of support. Brendon was followed by New Orleans Saints linebacker Scott Fujita.

According to an interview with the Huffington Post, California native Scott Fujita first became aware of gay and lesbian discrimination when he read about an Arkansas law that mandated ONLY male and female married couples could adopt children. Since Scott was adopted, this bothered him. He knew how many kids were waiting for adoption, and he couldn't understand why any government would make it more difficult for these kids to have a family of their own.

When asked if he faced a backlash from his teammates for his support of gays and lesbians, Fujita replied:
No, I have no concern about that whatsoever. I know who I am. My wife knows who I am. I don't care one way or the other Dave. I imagine that when some of this gets out guys in the locker room might give me a hard time, and they always give me a hard time. They call me the Pinko Communist Fag from Berkeley. I'm used to it. I can take it all.

And considering that Scott "Pinko Commie" Fujita is 6' 5" and weighs 250 pounds, I'm sure he doesn't give a fig what others think - and I thank him for that.

Another ally who went to bat for gay and lesbian rights this week was Microsoft. Microsoft recently donated $100,000 to the Approve Referendum 71 campaign in Washington state. The "Yes on 71" campaign will give Washington domestic partners the same rights as married partners if it is approved/upheld.

The $100,000 from Microsoft is significant, because it's almost double the amount raised by anti-71 "Christian" extremists. Great job, Microsoft!!

And finally, as her newest fan, I must feature the fierce and fabulous Lady Gaga's video which asks you to support the National Equality March in Washington, D.C. As some of you know, Dust Bunny Dan will be representing the Bunny Minions in Washington this weekend - find out how YOU can support the National Equality March HERE.