Friday, April 3, 2009

My Walk Home

I walked home again last night, but this time I thought I would pay attention to what happened and blog about it. I even took some pictures (although some of the pics below were found on The Google).

Less than 2 minutes after starting my walk, I spied chef Mario Batali on his Vespa scooter - wearing shorts and those ridiculous orange Crocs...

A few blocks later, in Chelsea, I saw drag entertainer Raven O. She is hard to miss...

I passed the OMG(!) Jeans Store. However, I think this store pre-dates the Internet - so I'd love to know what O.M.G. really stands for...

As I often do, I stopped by my favorite Dollar Store - Jack's 99 Cents on 32nd Street...

At that point I REALLY had to pee - so I zipped over to Macy's on 34th Street to use the facilities. Macy's was the location of my first NYC job, so I know where all the bathrooms are in the enormous store...

Then I remembered that Penn State was playing for the NIT championship at Madison Square Garden last night, so I stopped by and took pictures of the students entering the arena...

At one point I was trying to get a picture of a hottie student who was trying to buy tickets, when this cute Papi walked up to me and exclaimed "TAKE MY PEET-CHUR!!". When a cute Papi tells me to do something, I do it - and I LOVE the pose...

After I left Madison Square Garden, I headed up 8th Avenue - still one of the classiest thoroughfares in the city...

Still heading north, I had to fight my way through crowds of tourists making their way to the various Broadway theaters...

With a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye, I passed the space that used to be my favorite go-go boy bar - Stella's. It is now an Irish pub for straight tourists...

The "Cellar Bar" arrow (below) is pointing directly to where I used to sit and fondle watch the go-go dancers...

Finally, after more than an hour of walking and detours, I made my way to the front door of my glamorous building. Home sweet home...