Saturday, April 18, 2009

Our "Surprise" Dust Bunny Weekend Visitor

It is confirmed ... the BunnyNation will be visited by ROYALTY during the Drunken Dust Bunny Weekend (May 29-June 1). The Empress of the Dust Bunnies HERSELF has just purchased her ticket...

Yes bitches, my beloved TRANNYBETH is coming and I am beside myself with excitement!!! Beth has never been to NYC before, and even though we love each other like sisters, we have never met face-to-face. I am going to grab that girl and NOT LET GO!!!

Thanks to Zombie Mom and Kailyn who managed to convince Beth to come. These three lovely ladies will be hosting a cocktail party on Friday night at their hotel ... so plan on being there, bitches!!!

For their role in bringing my girl Beth to NYC, I am naming Zombie Mom and Kailyn as Dust Bunnies of the Week. For their service to the BunnyNation, I would like to present both of these lovely ladies with the coveted "Dusty" award...