Sunday, April 5, 2009

Leanne "Feels Sorry" For Kenley

The New York Post is still covering the Assault With A Deadly Pussay case involving Project Runway's Mistress of Stank - Kenley Collins (below, with her packed bag) - and her former boyfriend. But the newspaper buried the BIG revelation in yesterday's STORY about the breakup.

It turns out that Leanne Marshall, the winner of Project Runway Season 5 (top), has no problem anymore telling it like it T-I-IS about Stankley...
"This should put a clear answer to the question I am most frequently asked, 'Was Kenley really that awful, or was she just edited like that?' " Marshall told the Post. "When she got angry, I knew to keep my distance. Clearly, she needs therapy."

Oh Snap!!!

Source: Project Rungay.