Saturday, April 4, 2009

I Hope This Isn't True

Blogging Project Runway is reporting that Project Runway Season 6 will premiere on August 15th (according to Harvey Weinstein). Before you start rejoicing, please note that August 15th is a SATURDAY. There goes the gay viewership.

Is Harvey Weinstein (above) TRYING to destroy Project Runway?? I have news for you: I may not have much of a social life but I'll be DAMNED if I'm staying home on Saturday night and watching Project Runway. Let alone take notes so I can recap that bitch.

Check out the post from Blogging Project Runway HERE. Weinstein made his comment on Ryan Gaycrest's radio show ... so let's hope Harvey misspoke. Gaycrest was probably giving him the "let's do it" eyes, and Big Daddy Weinstein might have gotten nervous.