Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Passover

I am not Jewish, so the Jewish holidays tend to sneak up on me. Last night at sundown was the beginning of Passover - which commemorates the exodus from Egypt and the liberation of the Israelites from slavery.

In Manhattan, it means tons of extra traffic on 9th Avenue trying to enter the Lincoln Tunnel. Many New Yorkers celebrate the holidays with family in New Jersey - where Aunt Fran has a family room for the kids to play, and a driveway for Dad to park...

Passover also means that my Dollar Store empties out the bread aisle...

In my high school graduating class of about 400 students (back in Central Pennsylvania), only two of my classmates were Jewish. The only thing I knew was that every once in a while those two kids (and a couple of teachers) had a few extra days off from school. Yeah, I was pretty sheltered.

When I moved to New York City, I was totally clueless. I remember coming home to Brooklyn from work on the first night of Passover. I walked past the picture window of a brownstone home and saw a card table set up in the living room. This was for the traditional Passover Seder (meal), but I thought these people were playing cards. Why else would they have a card table set up in the living room? It certainly wasn't Thanksgiving, and this wasn't the "Kid's Table"...

Of course my ignorance wasn't limited to the Jewish faith. I remember my first Ash Wednesday in Manhattan - wondering why so many people had dirty foreheads. Seriously.

So I'll leave it to Someecards - the hysterical online card site - to explain Passover...

Well THAT makes it easy.