Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Fashion Show

Many of you have already blogged about Bravo's blatant Project Runway ripoff - The Fashion Show. The Fashion Show will premiere on May 7th - and is intended to make up for the loss of Project Runway to the Heather Locklear Will Cut A Bitch Network (AKA Lifetime).

As many blogs have already reported, Bravo isn't even TRYING to pretend The Fashion Show is any different from Project Runway. Isaac Mizrahi will be the "Host", so I'm imagining he'll be a cross between Heidi and Tim. BTW - I had no idea that Isaac left Tarjay and has joined Tim Gunn at Liz Claiborne.

Destiny's Child singer Kelly Rowland and fashion exec Fern Mallis will serve as Judges. Each episode of The Fashion Show will have two challenges - a short challenge at the beginning (like Top Chef's Quickfire) followed by the runway/elimination challenge.

Read more about The Fashion Show HERE - including the freak-filled casts' bios.

What do you all think about this show? Do you think it will be any good? Bravo did create this genre, and Isaac is extremely entertaining on television (he is the typical neurotic New Yorker). Fern Mallis is the ultimate New York fashion insider - she literally invented the Bryant Park tent shows back in 1993. Before then, Fashion Week shows were spread out all over the city with little or no coordination. I don't know where Kelly Rowland fits it, but she is kinda fierce.

Oh, and here is the Beeyotch who'll be playing the "Meana Garzilla"role ...