Monday, April 6, 2009

Birdbath By Mama Bunny...

My mother is VERY artsy-fartsy - she has painted, created stained-glass art, and is currently acting and helping to create the sets for a local community theater production. Unfortunately none of her Madd artistic Skillz rubbed off on me - but thankfully her intelligence and wit did ... at least a little.

The picture above is a homemade birdbath that my mother created - using teapots, plates, and a large bowl. Everything was bought at yard sales, flea markets, and the local Goodwill/Salvation Army. She uses industrial-strength bonding glue to hold everything together, and Voila! ... you have a fun birdbath. Isn't that the cutest thing you've ever seen?!?

She doesn't just use teapots - she has used crystal and all kinds of other glass - and each birdbath is completely unique. And believe it or not, they are extremely sturdy. But as cute as these birdbaths are, I must constantly remind Mom (especially before my birthday) that I live in Manhattan and I don't need a birdbath. The pigeons can find plenty of places to drink.

In the coming weeks I'll share more of Mama Bunny's creations with you. By the way, Mom has A Few Birdbaths FOR SALE - if you are interested in buying, please send me an email.