To My Darling Dust Bunnies -
I try not to ask you - my loyal readers - for much, but it's time for me to start making some noise. This upcoming election is too important for us to ignore - and right now the right-wing Republican attack machine is energized and raising money like crazy. Lying Sarah Palin has the Fundamentalist Crazies FIRED UP, and their money-machine is going into overdrive. In addition, the McCain/Palin campaign is eligible for $84 million in federal election funding to spend in the General Election.
The Obama campain, on the other hand, has decided to forego federal funding and is relying on us - the people who care about the direction this country is going in - to keep his campaign running. The New York Times reported today that Obama's recent fundraising goals are NOT being met (read it here).
Therefore, it is up to US to do what we can - so I've started a Dust Bunnies for Obama fundraising page on ActBlue. Please contribute what you can, and show your Dust Bunny spirit.
for Dust Bunnies For Obama
Most of you know that I don't have a pot to piss in when it comes to money - but I've started off with a $50 donation - which is what I can afford right now. Even if it's only $5.00, it will help - and it only takes 1 minute of your time.
Please do what you can.
Love and Hugs to you all!!