Thursday, November 17, 2011

Top Chef 9 - Ep. 3: Snakes On A Plate

As sometimes happens, today I’m resorting to bullet points in order to list some thoughts about last night’s episode of Top Chef. There are just too many cheftestants right now, and not enough drama (yet).

* I loved the Quickfire – and Padma’s instructions to put some motherhumpin’ snakes on some motherhumpin plates… 

* Miss Blanca Flores, the gal who was celebrating her Quinceañera, was pretty fierce. On an unrelated note – if you’ve never seen the movie Quinceañera, I have four words for you: “Jesse Garcia plays gay”… 

* Speaking of cuties, I loved how Chuy was ALL OVER this challenge – and referred to himself as “the resident Mexican”. He’s also not afraid of snakes and knows his way around a dead goat. If Chuy worked at Arby’s, he’d be absolutely perfect… 

* I’m sorry, but every time I see Heather … 

… I think “Kathy Najimy”… 

* Speaking of wacky women – is it just me, or does Beverly seem a bit … um … touched?? 

… Did you take note of Bevery's psycho-esque yelling at the meat counter? Did you see her snotting and bawling during Blanca’s dance with her father?? And what was up with that piece of paper she printed, congratulating herself on winning Top Chef?? If that works, I’m printing up my own magical piece of paper… 

* Finally, I offer up these words of advice to the Top Chef producers: 

Needs … More … Boobies 

What did YOU think of last night's episode??
