Tuesday, November 29, 2011

News: Amber Rose A Pop Singer?

Amber Rose's debut album is still in the works, but the blonde-haired model gave a few details on the impending project while on the red carpet for the Soul Train Music Awards.

"It's pop, it's gonna be popular. It's house music, it's gonna be fun, dance music," Rose tells HipHopWired. "It's just real, it's everything that I feel that I'm putting into music, I have a few people in mind but that's gonna be a surprise."

As if those projects weren't enough to keep Rose busy, she's also serving as judge on BET's Master of the Mix competition. She had a few words to share with critics who've questioned her credentials to judge DJs.

"I don't know how to DJ but I do know how to party, I literally get paid to travel around the world to party so that's what I judge the DJs on."

Are you going to buy her album?