Thursday, November 10, 2011

News: Po Johnson Of "LaLa’s Full Court Life" A Singer

Most know Po Johnson as La La Vazquez-Anthony’s spunky best friend on the VH1 show La La’s Full Court Life. But these days Po is striking out on her own and launching a music career.  Her lyrics come to life in her first single, “Super Kinda Psycho Sexy Love” (currently available on iTunes), a pop/rock infused track that gives a good feel for Po’s spirited personality. Read on to learn more about the up-and-coming singer.

Po sat down with BET and said the following:

"Music is something I’ve always wanted to do, writing is something that I wanted to do. I started writing when I was, like, four because I used to have a bad stuttering problem…because of that I never really spoke to anybody. I would write on the wall in my bedroom and my mom would let me do that because she saw it as me expressing myself.
My first single, “Super Kinda Psycho Sexy Love,” was kind of pop-y punk with some funkiness in it, and some urban. It’s greatness I think. It started out with just the sound, but I am working on the album and I wanted to go on tour with it. I like that sound for now, but at the same time I don’t want to put myself into a box. So I have no idea what I’ll want to sound like two years from now or even two weeks from now.
I’m going to do a video for my single “Super Kinda Psycho Sexy Love.” My EP will be coming out soon so everybody look for that. And I guess my last words would be ‘always be inspired and if you’re not inspired, be inspiring.’"