Wednesday, June 4, 2008

About Last Night...

So GUESS WHO I met last night? Some of these people may look familiar to you…

Yes bitches, Daniel Franco, Kit Pistol, Kevin Christiana, Jack Mackenroth, Chris March, Sweet P Vaughn, and Victorya Hong had dinner in my restaurant last night – hosted by yours truly.

Laura K., the Empress of the Blogging Project Runway Empire, and I are friendly. When I found out she was coming to NYC, I suggested she come to my restaurant for dinner. She coyly told me she might bring a few friends. She arrived with Sweet P, Daniel, Kevin, and a couple members of her “entourage” (because that’s how she rolls). I went downstairs to introduce myself, and I was just so impressed by how NICE everyone was.

We got them seated at the table, and eventually Victorya, Jack, Chris, and finally Kit showed up. Laura introduced me as a “fellow blogger”, but later I heard someone ask what my blog was called. I CERTAINLY hope some of them didn’t go home and look me up – I talked some SHIT on most of those people! Except Daniel Franco, who was on the show before I started recapping it.

Which brings me to this point: when I was introduced to Victorya, I actually felt BAD for all the shit I said about her. It’s one thing to write snarky recaps about “characters” on a reality show – but it’s another entirely when you actually meet the person. Victorya could not have been nicer, and if I was in her shoes and read some of the stuff that was written about her, I would have crawled into a hole and never come out! So, if ANYONE from the gang I met last night happens to read this … I apologize for being so snarky. I did it in the name of “entertainment” ... for my Dust Bunnies ... so BLAME THEM! :)

I feel like "the Kathy Griffin of Bravo blogging". I am a D-list blogger whose whole schtick is talking shit about the “A-List” designers, cheftestants, dancetestests, etc. I always love Kathy’s stories about how awkward it is to actually meet these people after you have talked about them like a dog. In my case, it would have been more awkward if the Project Runway designers from last night had been familiar with my “work”. Thank goodness they weren’t.

Now don’t worry, this doesn’t mean I plan on pulling any punches during my upcoming Project Runway recaps. After all, I haven’t met any of the NEW bitches…yet.

Ok, so here is some dish. Kevin was my favorite – he was REALLY sweet and we chatted about the origins of my restaurant. And YES, he is straight – his girlfriend came as well. Just a really nice guy.

Sweet P is absolutely adorable. I think I was the most excited to meet her. You just WANT to hug her, she is THAT cute.

Jack was also REALLY sweet. And I have to say, he IS pretty damn sexy. Laura even took a picture of the two of us together – and maybe, just maybe, if the picture isn’t completely horrible I just might post it. By the way, Laura has promised to forward her pics to me, which I hope to share with you (with her permission, of course).

And finally, let me say this about Laura K. She is one of the nicest, sweetest, and most generous people you will ever meet. And considering the fact that she's plotting total worldwide blogging domination, I am extremely glad to be on her side.

Thanks again Laura to you and your gang for coming – it was a pleasure and an honor.

UPDATE: Here is the comment I just got from Laura K. herself:
Darling, we had a fabulous time last night. Everything was delicious, and we had excellent service. As soon as I return home, I will forward the CUTEST photo I took of you and Jack."