Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Results Are In ...

Here's how everyone did for Week #2 of the DustBunny Good Days Initiative:

Good Days/Week
Miss Alaineous
MC Wolfe
Most Improved!

You bunnies continue to amaze me – great job everybody. And I would like to give special kudos to Froggy for the most improvement from last week. Please elaborate on your week in the Comments section. And if you didn’t send me an email this week with your results, feel free to share with us.

Me, on the other hand, had a exceptionally bad week. Epically bad. Colossally bad. The two “good” days I had were only good in the sense that I wasn’t constantly shoving food in my mouth on those days. Seriously, last week I felt broken. In fact, I was so humiliated by posting “Yesterday I Had a BAD DAY” every single damn day – that I just stopped.

This went beyond normal “pigging out”. Normal people don’t eat 4 breakfast sandwiches at McDonald’s and then go back for a Big Mac and a 20-piece McNugget a few hours later. I can’t believe I just typed that – but that’s what I did one day last week. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Remember me talking about the “Fuckit” switch? Well my switch was on HIGH pretty much all week. And as a result, I’m back to weighing over 300 lbs.

It’s so bad that I asked for a referral from my Doc to see a shrink. Actually, I’ve had the referral for a while now, but – of course – haven’t made an appointment yet. Because, you know, it’s so difficult to call a phone number and speak with a Receptionist.

But, somehow – against all odds - yesterday I felt a little better and decided this wasn’t the end of the world. I would keep trying. And yesterday ended up being a pretty good day. And today is the same – so far.

This week will be extremely challenging. I leave for PA on Thursday for my first little “vacation” in 3 years, and will be at the lake on Friday/Saturday/Sunday with my family. On Monday morning I must return to NYC early in the am because of a work event in the late afternoon.

There will be beer. And hot dogs. And potato salad. And more beer. As well as a dinner or two with Mama Bunny before and after the Lake. And then instant stress when I get back into the city. I can tell you right now these won’t be “good” days.

But I’ll try not to go crazy and do my best – which is pretty much all I can hope for at this point.

And I'll try and stay the F%#K away from McDonald's...
