Saturday, December 25, 2010

Featured Model - Edward Sugalski

At the request of Edward Sugalski's mother (not kidding) - all images have been removed. In three back-to-back comments (see the comments section if you don't believe me), Mom decided to let the homophobia and hate fly:

Comment #1:
LISA: hey david dust i dont know how u stole my son,s profile and pictures ,but my son is not a fag so u need to get him off your site or i will have u arrested u freakin pervert 

RESPONSE FROM DD: Your son's modeling profile is posted on public website where models attempt to get their names/images out there in order to find work. BTW - you might be hindering his efforts a little by calling people 'fags" - there are a TON of "fags" in the fashion business - and one (or more) of them might read this. Just saying.  

Comment #2:
LISA: david dust , im going to have your ass arrested for stealing my sons picture and info and posting it on your smutty fag web site u had no permission so u better take it off now he is not a fag , like u ,freakin pervert 

RESPONSE FROM DD: Since you think I'm a perverted fag, don't you think that sending me to prison would be doing me a FAVOR?!? Haven't you ever seen "Oz"?? Also, at no point did I make any presumptions or comments regarding your son's sexual orientation.

Comment #3:
LISA: david dust stop stealing peoples profiles and posting them without permission on that gay site my son is not gay and u had no permission im going ot have you arrested 

RESPONSE FROM DD: Okay now you're boring me. The images have been remove, as per your gracious request. Have a nice day.
