Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Joe.My.God Discusses Shady Oral Roberts

My blog hero/inspiration Joe.My.God announced evangelist and "faith healer" Oral Robert's death yesterday with this headline:

"World's Most Successful Scam Artist Dies"

Here is a snippet:

In addition to claiming that God spoke directly to him every day, this multimillionaire scam artist also performed faked healings for hundreds of thousands of deluded saps who promptly handed over their meager life savings.

Joe wraps it up the post with this gem:

Oral Roberts will be laid to rest in a platinum coffin lined with gold and encrusted with precious gems as his multimillionaire heirs reverently light thousand-dollar bills in his memory. Praise His Name!

Read the entire post HERE. I had always heard of Oral Roberts (who names their kid "Oral", btw?!?) - but I never really knew his shady history. Interesting.