I'm sorrow that I was so friggin' depressing about my trip to the Vet with Miss Emmy this morning. As I've mentioned before, anything "medical" turns me into a weird and crazy bitch. That crazy bitch must have been the one that posted that whiny, self-absorbed pity party a while ago.
First of all - my cat is alive. She is 15 friggin' years old, and she's still alive. I am THRILLED about that. And as soon as I'm done with this post, I am leaving work early and going home and cuddling with her. Even though she is probably still PISSED at me for making her leave the apartment. In 15 years, she has been outside only 4 times: 3 Vet visits, and last year when we moved (down the block). It freaks her out each time, and it's the ONLY time she "meows". In fact, I didn't even think she knew how to "meow" until that first Vet visit.
Second, I will find a way to get to New Orleans in six weeks. My flight and hotel are already paid for - so all I need is money to spend. And my dear Dan already felt so bad for me that he offered to buy me drinks while we're down there. I declined, but I might just have to change my mind. Note to Dan: I drink A LOT.
And Third, thanks to Laura for the suggestion of a "donation" button into a Paypal account. But absolutely not - maybe if I needed a liver transplant or something - but I would NEVER impose upon you all for something like this. My financial dramas are MY doing, and no one else's problem. And besides, as you may have noticed from the 'layout' of my blog, I don't even know enough to do a "blog roll" - let alone set up a donation button. It's a sweet thought, but I'll make this work.
Every single last one of you gives me joy every single day. I LOVE this blog, but I love you guys even more. Please take a look at today's Daddy "Armando", and my Top Haircut recap. Unfortunately, my Debbie Downer antics put a damper on those two posts.
Now, I gotta get outta here and go pick up some Cat Litter. Because there is NO way I can show up at my apartment without a 'present' for Miss Thang!!