Wednesday, December 7, 2011

News: Beyonce Hit With $100 Million Dollar Lawsuit

A judge ruled Tuesday that superstar singer Beyoncé can’t dance away from a $100 million lawsuit lodged against her by a videogame maker.

Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Charles Ramos rejected the hip-hop princess’ request to toss the suit filed by Gate Five LLC.

Without explaining, Ramos ruled Gate Five can proceed with civil action charging that Beyoncé “double crossed” the firm when she abandoned its project to make a dance videogame.

The suit claims she bailed at the last minute on the project for a videogame called “Starpower: Beyoncé” after making an “extortionate demand” for more money.

Gate Five claims the firm financing the game backed out because of Beyoncé’s last-minute maneuvers.

Beyoncé’s lawyers countered that she had every right to walk because Gate Five had not secured financing for the project by a mid-November 2010 deadline.

We all know Beyonce loses all her court battles. Poor Beyonce...